Former India captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni’s love for video games is not a secret to anyone. Now, he loves his PlayStation session with teammates in the hotel room or getting highly competitive playing PUBG (now BGMI) at the airport lobbies. However, his wife Sakshi Dhoni revealed how addicted he is to these games when she said that the former captain blurts out names even when he is asleep.
A recent video was shared by the Chennai Super Kings where Sakshi explained that playing these video games helped MS Dhoni divert his ever-active mind. She went on to say that the former Indian captain sleep talks about PUBG.
“You know, Mahi’s got a thinking brain, it doesn’t rest. So, I think when he plays video games like Call of Duty or be it PUBG or whatever, I think it just helps him divert his mind, that’s it and which is a good thing,” Sakshi said in the video.
She goes on to say that she is no longer irritated that Dhoni plugs in his headphones and speaks with people while playing the game even when in the bedroom.
“At times I feel like he’s talking to me and then he’s on the headphones and talking to all the people that are playing. Then he’s sleep-talking also about PUBG nowadays!” she added.
Speaking about the earlier days, Sakshi revealed how Dhoni had an influence on her and her world views and how she has seen everything through the former Indian captain. She said that she got married within a month of going to college and has learnt everything through MS Dhoni and that she is the only one who can irritate him.
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