Filmmaker Aanand L Rai recently wrapped the shoot of his directorial Atrangi Re starring Sara Ali Khan, Dhanush, and Akshay Kumar. This was Sara and Aanand L Rai’s maiden collaboration. Now after the wrap-up of the film, Sara has been signed up by Rai’s production house Colour Yellow Production for their next venture titled Nakhrewali.
Actor Sunny Kaushal, brother of Vicky Kaushal, is rumoured to play the male lead in the film. According to reports, the film will show the story of a boy who loves to dress like a girl. The filmmaker had previously addressed taboo topics like erectile dysfunction and gay love on screen with the Shubh Mangal Saavdhan franchise.
The film will be directed by Rahul Shanklya and goes on floors towards the end of this year. The official announcement of the film will be made soon. Meanwhile, Sara Ali Khan will next be seen in Atrangi Re and is prepping for Ashwatthama with Vicky Kaushal.
ALSO READ: Sara Ali Khan shares the simplest way to her heart
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