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Home » Chris Pratt Blacked Out On Ambien Once And Challenged Dave Bautista To A Wrestling Match

Chris Pratt Blacked Out On Ambien Once And Challenged Dave Bautista To A Wrestling Match

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Actor Chris Pratt has shared a wild story about the time he blacked out on sleeping pills and texted his Guardians of the Galaxy co-star Dave Bautista to ask him to wrestle.

Appearing on James Corden’s late night show to promote The Tomorrow War, Pratt said there was a time in his life when he took Ambien to help him sleep. Sometimes he would completely black out and text people, having no recollection of what he said. One of these times, he messaged Bautista looking to set up a wrestling match.

Here’s how it all went down:

“There was a moment in my life where I could take sleep aids to help me sleep–I don’t any more–I would text people and… I would black out. No idea what I’m texting people. I took Ambien and the next day he says, ‘Hey man, that text you sent last night.’ I go, ‘What text?’ He goes, ‘You don’t remember hahahaha.’ He walks out and I was like, ‘What did I text him?’ So I look at my phone and it’s a text like this long [gestures with hands to describe the length of his text], and it was like, ‘Dave, I want to wrestle. I want to wrestle you. No one needs to know, but I just want to know, I think I could take you. I think I could wrestle you, bro, like collegiate rules, no elbows, no knees, I just want to feel the power.'”

Pratt said he was mortified when he realized what he said to Bautista, who is, for Pratt’s money, “by far the toughest dude in all of Hollywood.”

Pratt’s new movie, The Tomorrow War, is streaming now on Amazon. It’s directed by Chris McKay, who previously worked on The Lego Movie, which also starred Pratt.

For more, check out The Tomorrow War review scores from around the internet.

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