Dilip Kumar, India’s enduring film legend through the decades, died at a Mumbai hospital on Wednesday after prolonged illness, his family and doctors treating him said. He was 98. The actor, known to generations of film-goers as ‘tragedy king’ for his portrayal of the brooding, intense romantic in classics such as “Mughal-e-Azam” and “Devdas”, had been admitted to the Hinduja Hospital, a non-COVID-19 facility in Khar, since last Tuesday. “He passed away due to prolonged illness at 7.30 am,” Dr Jalil Parkar, who had been treating Kumar said.
“With a heavy heart and profound grief, I announce the passing away of our beloved Dilip Saab, few minutes ago. We are from God and to Him we return,” family friend Faisal Farooqui posted from the actor’s Twitter handle at 8.01 am.
Meanwhile, political leaders, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Rahul Gandhi, Arvind Kejriwal and others paid condolences and expressed grief on the passing away of the legendary actor.
RIP Dilip Kumar – Leaders pay tribute
Prime Minister Narendra Modi
President Kovind
Vice President Venkaiah Naidu
India TV Editor-In-Chief and Chairman Rajat Sharma
Rajnath Singh
Amit Shah
Yogi Adityanath
Rahul Gandhi
Mamata Banerjee
Smriti Irani
Arvind Kejriwal
Akhilesh Yadav
Capt. Amarinder Singh
Aaditya Thackeray
Shashi Tharoor
Jitin Prasada
Shivraj Singh Chouhan
Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi
Hemant Soren
Ashok Gehlot
Nusrat Jahan
Keshav Pasad Maurya
Supriya Sule
Priyanka Chaturvedi
Kalraj Mishra
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